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Plasmotherapy for Hair Growth

A highly effective treatment to fight hair loss and stimulate the growth of new hair follicles.
1 hour
Recovery Time
Almost none
Results Lasts
1-2 years
Pain Relief
Topical anaesthetics
Plasmotherapy for hair growth Treatment at Beauty Fox Studio
Treatment Overview

PRP therapy for hair loss is a treatment that involves withdrawing a patient’s own blood, processing it so that only the enriched cells (platelet-rich plasma) remain, and injecting it into the scalp. PRP contains essential proteins that stimulate natural hair growth.

Due to the natural variation in the quality of platelet-rich plasma, results will vary between individuals. Some patients may require multiple sessions to obtain desired outcomes.

This is a 3-step procedure. First, some blood will be drawn from your arm and will be placed in a centrifuge so that the platelets can be separated from it. Then after a period of 10 minutes, your blood will be divided into 3 layers. Platelet-rich plasma will be extracted and injected into the target area of the treatment. You will start seeing the results in the following months after your treatment.

Post Treatment

  • Do not consume alcohol or smoke for at least 24 hours after you get the treatment.
  • Hydrate yourself properly. Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid any strenuous physical activity like heavy exercise for at least 24 hours after getting the treatment.
  • Do not subject yourself to extreme hot or cold temperatures for at least 72 hours after your treatment.
  • Avoid rubbing, massaging, or scratching the treatment area for at least 6-8 hours after getting the treatment.

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Hair Growth Plasmotherapy Treatment at Beauty Fox Studio

Common Questions

In terms of the safety of this product, PRP has been the topic of medical literature from both the United States and Europe. Not only is the product heralded as a revolutionary way to stimulate and restore hair growth, but it is also one of the safest cosmetic hair growth options on the market today. While there is a prevalent opinion of PRP and its benefits within medical literature, you should also keep in mind that publications within literature do not mean that the product has gained FDA approval.

Currently, PRP is in its early stages of scientific research and subsequent FDA approval. It is not meant to replace the current FDA approved options such as DHT blockers (example: Propecia) and Minoxidil. Regardless, it is still a very promising and realistic option for those that are grappling with hair loss.

No. The procedure does not cause any major discomfort and we will also use a topical anesthetic on the treatment area to ensure that you have a pleasant and painless experience. If you have any concerns regarding the treatment, we encourage you to discuss them in your consultation session.

The best candidates for PRP treatment are those that do not have a history of Telogen Effluvium or scarring Alopecia.

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