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Revitalize, rejuvenate and invigorate your skin to look younger and radiant.
1 hour
Recovery Time
Almost none
Results Lasts
6 months
Pain Relief
Numbing cream
Sunekos Treatment at Beauty Fox Studio
Treatment overview

With age, the skin tends to dehydrate and loose its elasticity. Loss of collagen and elastin results in lines and wrinkle formation. Sunekos treatment uses a potent blend of amino acid and hyaluronic acid to revitalise and hydrate the skin. It stimulates collagen and elastin production in the skin in order to rejuvenate and renew the ageing skin. The treatment rehydrates the skin giving it a vibrant glow.

Sunekos is a four-stage procedure with each stage scheduled seven to ten days apart. During the procedure, the product is injected into the targeted area via minimally invasive micro-needles. A topical anesthetic may be applied for maximum comfort. Each session lasts for about forty minutes depending on the size of the targeted area. For best results, each session must be taken on time.

Post treatment

  • Do not consume alcohol or smoke for at least 24 hours after you get the treatment.
  • Hydrate yourself properly. Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid any strenuous physical activity like heavy exercise for at least 24 hours after getting the treatment.
  • Do not subject yourself to extreme hot or cold temperatures for at least 72 hours after your treatment.
  • Avoid rubbing, massaging, or scratching the treatment area for at least 6-8 hours after getting the treatment.

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Sunekos Treatment at Beauty Fox Studio

Common Questions

Yes, SuneKos has a good safety profile. It is very rare to get serious complications. At The Skin to Love Clinic you will only ever be treated by a medical professional with extensive experience and the skills to handle possible complications.

No. The treatment does not cause any major discomfort. We also use topical anesthetics in the treatment area to make sure that you have a painless and pleasant experience. If you have any concerns regarding the treatment, we encourage you to discuss them during the consultation session.

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