Invest in yourself with Beauty Fox Studio’s Wrinkle-Free Skin Membership.

Take the stress out of maintaining your injectable beauty routine and sign up to our bespoke skin membership which allows you to have wrinkle-free skin all year round.

Beauty Fox Studio Hornchurch
Our annual membership packages, paid on a monthly rolling subscription, are packaged for maximum effect, convenience, and value for money. You’ll also enjoy exclusive discounts for products & procedures outside of your wrinkle-free membership.
Sandra Baranauskiene doing Cheek Contour Treatment

Membership Benefits

*Typical annual savings based on wrinkle-free injectables administered by Nurse every 3 months. You’re saving may be higher or lower depending on how many treatments you require.

Package Options

Areas Deposit Monthly (x11) Total Total Saving
1 Area £150 £50 £700 £100
2 Areaa £250 £60 £910 £190
3 Areas £300 £70 £1070 £330
Sandra Beauty Fox Studio
Sandra Baranauskiene Beauty Fox Studio
Boost Confidence

Subtle enhancements to boost confidence.

At Beauty Fox Studio we are passionate about beauty and about providing you with the highest quality service from start to finish. Our aim is to help you look and feel better, both with their health, self-esteem and physical appearance. Our treatments are about bringing out your beautiful features so you can feel the best at any age.

We have carefully devised all our treatment plans to offer long-term results.