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Hips / Thighs Fat Dissolving

A non-invasive procedure to eliminate those stubborn fats and achieve a slimmer body shape.
1 hour
Recovery Time
1-3 days
Results Lasts
4-5 years
Pain Relief
Numbing cream
Hips and Thighs Fat Dissolving injection at Beauty Fox Studio
Treatment overview

Some areas of our body such as the hips/thighs area have stubborn pockets of fat that can be very hard to eliminate. This treatment uses FDA-approved injectables like Phosphatidylcholine deoxycholate to target these areas and dissolve the fat in them easily. The treatment is totally non-invasive and with proper care, the results can be very long-lasting. Just after one treatment, you will notice a reduction of fat deposits; however, to achieve the desired results, we recommend 3 to 8 sessions.

This procedure involves the use of micro-injections being administered into the target area by a trained professional. Deoxycholate and Phosphatidylcholine are the compounds that are injected, and they start to dissolve the fat cells. These compounds target the fat cells hardening them and in a few weeks, these fat cells are discarded by our body’s natural waste excretion system.

Post treatment

  • Massaging the target area lightly for 15-20 minutes daily after getting the treatment will get you better results.
  • Walking or jogging for 20-30 minutes for a few days after getting the treatment will aid in fat absorption.
  • Hydration is very important. Drink plenty of water after getting the treatment for the best results.

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Hips and Thighs fat reduction Treatment at Beauty Fox Studio

Common Questions

Fat dissolving injection is ideal for those who exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet but have pockets of fat that won’t shift, even with focused exercise.

Fat dissolving is not suitable if you:

  • have diabetes
  • have liver or kidney disease
  • have active skin problem in the area to be treated
  • are taking blood thinning medicine e.g warfarin
  • have significant weight.

A consultation with our highly trained therapist will determine the correct treatment plan for you.

Fat dissolving injections can help you to achieve a slimmer, more contoured body shape, with long-lasting results for around four years. The results are even longer if you maintain a healthy diet and regularly exercise! The treated cells are permanently destroyed but poor diet can cause other localised fat cells to swell.

Fat-dissolving injections can be used in the following areas:

  • Stomach (inc. Sixpack definition)
  • Love handles
  • Arms
  • Chin
  • Flanks and waist
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Underarms and armpits
  • Under-bra area.

No. The procedure does not cause any major discomfort and we will also use a topical anesthetic on the treatment area to ensure that you have a pleasant and painless experience. If you have any concerns regarding the treatment, we encourage you to discuss them in your consultation session.

Side effects of fat dissolving injections are rare. You may experience swelling, bruising, itching, pain, sensitivity to pressure and excessive warmth at the injection site however, this is usually resolved within three to five days.

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