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Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

See instant result with non-surgical, highly effective alternative to shaping your nose.
20-40 minutes
Recovery Time
Almost none
Results Lasts
6-24 months
Pain Relief
Topical anaesthetic
Non surgical Rhinoplasty Treatment at Beauty Fox Studio

The non-surgical rhinoplasty treatment uses injectable nose filler to reshape the nose. It is a non-permanent treatment. The dermal fillers can be used to eliminate protrusions and bumps such as the dorsal hump. The treatment can also be used to straighten the deviated nose. Nasal tip elevation can be achieved by injecting the tip of the nose.

A topical anaesthetic is applied to the nasal area to decrease the risk of discomfort. The dermal fillers are injected onto targeted areas of the nose to get the desired shape. The procedure lasts for up to 20 minutes and the effects can last for 6-9 months.


  • Avoid scratching or peeling the treatment area.
  • Avoid any form of strenuous physical activity or exercise for at least 24 hours after getting the treatment.
  • Avoid using makeup on the treatment area for at least one week.
  • Do not get the area that has been treated wet for at least 48 hours after getting the treatment.

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Rhinoplasty Nose Job Treatment at Beauty Fox Studio

Common Questions

Results can last from 6 months to 24 months.

‌One significant risk of a liquid nose job is complications if the filler is injected into a blood vessel. This can damage the vessel and disrupt the blood supply to the skin around your nose, which can lead to the skin in the area dying. You would need additional procedures to manage that complication.

The popular misconception about dermal fillers is that they can make your face and nose look bigger. However, this is not true at all. They can do the opposite. By injecting filler into your nose, we can reshape the nose for the better.

Rhinoplasty may cause serious orbital and periorbital complications such as orbital haemorrhage, enophthalmos, exophthalmos, periorbital cellulitis, and blindness.

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