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A quick lunch-time perk-me-up treatment to firm up your skin.
40 minutes
Recovery Time
Almost none
Results Lasts
6 months
Pain Relief
Numbing cream
Chin and Jawline Enhance Treatment at Beauty Fox Studio
Treatment overview

With age, our body starts to lose collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid resulting in loose skin that droops down due to the effects of gravitational pull. Profhilo treatment often called a ‘lunchtime facial treatment’ with immediate results, is an anti-ageing treatment to cure and prevent skin from sagging. Unlike Dermal Fillers, Profhilo uses highly concentrated natural Hyaluronic acid to treat skin laxity through stimulation of elastin and collagen production in the skin. Profhilo is known not only to boost and hydrate the skin but also remodels the ageing and sagging tissue giving you a fresh youthful look.

Profhilo treatment is a 2-stage procedure. Each stage involves injecting the skin with concentrated hyaluronic acid using the BAP (Bio Aesthetic Point) technique to avoid large vessels and nerves in the skin. The procedure can take fifteen to thirty minutes depending on the size of the targeted area. Results are visible after the second treatment and the effect lasts up to six months.

Post treatment

  • Usually, there is little to no recovery needed after a treatment with Profhilo which lets you continue with life as normal.
  • Avoid rubbing, scratching, or massaging the target area of the treatment for 6-8 hours after getting the treatment.

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Profhilo Injections at Beauty Fox Studio

Common Questions

Profhilo is most commonly used for facial areas, but can also be used to rejuvenating the neck, decollete, arms, knees and hands. Profhilo is injected just below the skin’s surface over 2 sessions 4 weeks apart.

It usually works in the form of 3 treatments each of which is performed at least 4 weeks apart. Each side of your face will need 5 injections for the best possible results. Profhilo is a hydrator and can be used simultaneously with other dermal fillers as well.

After just a single course of Profhilo you can expect to see intense hydration. It’ll make your skin glow and fine lines to disappear. You’ll notice smoother, tighter skin.

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