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PRP Vampire Facelift

A non-invasive facelift that will make your skin feel tighter, radiant and firmer.
60-90 minutes
Recovery Time
2-3 days
Results Lasts
12-18 months
Pain Relief
Topical anaesthetics
PRP Facelift Treatment at Beauty Fox Studio
Treatment overview

This treatment is also called platelet-rich plasma facelift. As we age our skin starts to lose a lot of its elasticity and starts to droop these are normal signs of ageing. With PRP Vampire Facelift you can fight these signs of ageing. The treatment uses your blood to rejuvenate your facial skin.

Blood will be drawn from your arm and then one of our technicians will put it in a centrifuge. When the platelets are separated from the rest of the blood. The PRP along with hyaluronic acid filler will be injected into your face. The treatment is minimally invasive and does not cause any major discomfort.

Post treatment

  • Do not consume alcohol or smoke for at least 24 hours after you get the treatment.
  • Hydrate yourself properly. Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid any strenuous physical activity like heavy exercise for at least 24 hours after getting the treatment.
  • Do not subject yourself to extreme hot or cold temperatures for at least 72 hours after your treatment.
  • Avoid rubbing, massaging, or scratching the treatment area for at least 6-8 hours after getting the treatment.

For full price list click here

Vampire Facelift Treatment at Beauty Fox Studio

Common Questions

No. The procedure does not cause any major discomfort and we will also use a topical anesthetic on the treatment area to ensure that you have a pleasant and painless experience. If you have any concerns regarding the treatment, we encourage you to discuss them in your consultation session.

People with the following conditions aren’t suitable for PRP Treatments:

  • Cancer or metastatic disease especially hematopoietic or of bone
  • Platelet dysfunction syndrome
  • Low platelet count
  • Critical thrombocytopenia
  • Patient with Septicemia
  • Women that are pregnant or breastfeeding.
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