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Injectable to counter this effect of ageing and help you regain the lost youthfulness of your face.
30 minutes
Recovery Time
1-2 days
Results Lasts
18-24 months
Pain Relief
Numbing cream
Sculptra Treatment at Beauty Fox Studio
Treatment overview

As we age our face starts to lose volume. It can appear to be sunken, and indentations start to appear. Sculptra treatment uses poly-L-lactic acid in an injectable form to counter this effect of ageing and help you regain the lost youthfulness of your face. After the treatment, your face will appear revitalised and have more volume.

This treatment is minimally invasive, and the results are also very fast. A certified and trained technician will inject the poly-L-lactic acid into certain pre-mapped parts of your face with a fine needle. Multiple small injections will be used as the delivery method. The treatment can take 30-40 minutes to complete, and the downtime is 1-2 days. You will be able to resume your normal daily activities immediately after the treatment.

Post treatment

  • Apply an ice pack to the treatment area to counter the swelling after getting the treatment.
  • Avoid using makeup for at least 6-8 hours after getting the treatment.
  • Avoid extreme hot or cold temperatures for a few hours after getting the treatment.

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Common Questions

Yes. The treatment is completely safe as all the injectables that we use are FDA approved and pose no health concern for you. There is a whole body of research that proves the efficiency of this treatment. It is still important that you disclose your medical history during the pre-treatment consultation session.

No. The treatment does not cause any major discomfort. We also use topical anesthetics on the treatment area to make sure that you have a painless and pleasant experience. If you have any concerns regarding the treatment, we encourage you to discuss them during the consultation session.

With this treatment there is no downtime however, you can expect to have slight swelling for 2 weeks. This side effect can be minimized by following the aftercare advice properly and using the prescribed medicine.

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