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Teeth Grinding

The perfect treatment for anyone looking for a non-surgical solution for jaw clenching.
40 minutes
Recovery Time
Almost none
Results Lasts
3-4 months
Pain Relief
Numbing cream
Teeth Grinding Treatment at Beauty Fox Studio
Treatment overview

Many people will experience bruxism at some point in their lives as there are multiple different triggers for it to occur. It is a condition that can occur when awake and also when asleep, which can make it difficult to identify as it is not always able to be controlled. Bruxism or teeth grinding can lead to jaw tension, pain, and even migraines due to jaw clenching. Anti-wrinkle injection provides a simple, quick, and effective solution for teeth grinding.

Around 30% of us clench our teeth whilst we sleep. The pressure on the teeth during grinding can be 20 times greater than the force used in normal chewing and biting. Anti-wrinkle injections or muscle relaxing injections can treat bruxism in a relatively short time. The treatment itself takes approximately 40 minutes and the results can last up to 4 months, and, with repeated treatments, patients may find that their bruxism stops altogether.

The procedure consists of several anti-wrinkle injections being injected into the masseter muscles using acupuncture-like needles to relax the muscles. The masseter muscles are located at the junction of where your jaw meets your cheekbone on each side of the face. This is the muscle that is responsible for actions such as chewing and opening your mouth and is known as one of the strongest muscles in the human body. When anti-wrinkle injections are used in the masseter muscles, they temporarily weaken them and relieves the tension in the jaw by relaxing the targeted muscles and reducing the dental wear caused by grinding.

So what does botulinum toxin do?

Anti wrinkle injection (Botulinum toxin) is used cosmetically to paralyze the facial muscles. In the jaw, we can use neurotoxins in the masseter muscle. This is one of many muscles that helps us chew, and you can feel it as a deep prominence along your jawline when you clench your teeth down. It is also a muscle that is sometimes tight in individuals who clench their jaw or grind their teeth at night.

Injections of botulinum toxin to this area will act to weaken the masseter muscle. Functionally, this improves the pain that some people experience in their jaw and also alleviates uncomfortable night grinding.

Post treatment

  • Avoid any kind of strenuous physical activity and heavy exercise for at least 24 hours after getting the treatment.
  • Sit up straight and do not lie down for at least 4-5 hours after the treatment.
  • Do not rub or scratch the treated area for at least 6-8 hours after getting the treatment.
  • Avoid going out for extended periods of time in direct sunlight for at least one week after getting the treatment.

For full price list click here

Chin and Jawline Injection

Common Questions

Yes. The treatment is completely safe. We only use FDA-approved injectables in our treatments and there is a body of research that supports the efficiency of this treatment. It is advised that you disclose your medical history and any underlying health problems during the pre-treatment consultation session.

No. The injections used for this treatment do not cause any major discomfort. To make the process painless and more comfortable for you, we will apply a topical anesthetic to the treatment area as well. If you have any concerns, please feel free to share them with us during the consultation session.

The results of the treatment can last for up to 4 months. If the problem persists once the results start to wear off, you can get another treatment but if your jaw clenching habit goes away then there is no need for another treatment.

Botulinum Toxin injections are relatively safe when performed by an experienced practitioner. Possible side effects and complications may include:

  • Pain, swelling or bruising at the injection site
  • Headache or flu-like symptoms
  • Body ache, and a rare allergy.
  • Droopy eyelid or cockeyed eyebrows
  • Crooked smile or drooling
  • Eye dryness or excessive tearing

Patients may notice asymmetry of face and muscles.
Slowly recovery time is from 4 weeks to 12 weeks.

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